Examples of Student Startups
Fustițe cu Luminițe
Zoe Studio
Ez Stick
Humance Cosmetics
Alumni Case Studies
George Moroianu (
Miruna Ioana Toanchină (Rawmantic)
Ciprian Dudulea (Difrnt.)
Iulia Petrescu (Ez Stick)
Dorin Boerescu
Alin Copîndeanu
Iulian Cîrciumaru
Andrei Crețu
Irina Alionte
Vlad Ungureanu
Mihai Zânt
Răzvan Crișan
Ciprian Stancu
Ilinca Păun
Alexandru Ghiță
What do our students say

George Moroianu
Miruna Toanchină
Clara Mateoiu
Year II Student
Octavian Sicoe
Year IV Student
Horia Stupu
Alex Burghelia
Teodora Popa
Year IV Student
Petrișor Răzvan Cătălin
asked questions
Students have ownership in deciding what business ideas they want to implement and what initial capital they need to invest. Therefore, raising that investment is their responsibility. If they want to start big, they might want to apply for funding or look for investors, and even put their own capital into the business.
Students own their businesses. They are the ones who create a legal company for running their business ideas. It’s their choice to decide who to make business with, and to establish the legal participation and ownership of the team members within their company.
They remain in their ownership. If there are members who wish to retire or others who want to join, it’s again the team’s responsibility to make the necessary changes form the legal point of view.
The mentors are meant to guide the progress of the business, with the objective of creating context for progress in a sustainable way. They meet with students progressively starting with year one and increasing the number and time of interactions as students pass into the next years. In the year III, and semester one of year IV, the students meet the business mentors every week.