We invite you on February 16th, at 17:00, for a Q&A about what it means to raise investment from Angel Investors or VC Capital with EA Alumni, Ciprian Dudulea & Eduard Burghelia who have experience in raising capital but also with Iulian Cîrciumaru and Alexandru Ghiță, who already funded start-ups to find out more about:
- What is an Angel Investor and in what stage of startups do they invest in?
- What is a VC fund and in what stage of startups do they invest in?
- Similarities & Differences between Angel investors and VC funds
- How can an Angel investor contribute to your business?
- How can a VC fund investor contribute to your business?
- Is a an Angel / VC investment relevant for your business?
- How should you prepare for a pitch and what numbers do you need to be on top of?
- The economic mechanics, incentives and limits of a Angel / VC investment
- Do's and Dont's in pitching to an investor